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News & Events


[Funded] (1 October 2023)

Kohei Omachi has been selected as a JSPS ACT-X program researcher. [Link]

大町紘平さんがJST ACT-X(2023)に採択されました。[Link]

[Invited talk] (9–14 July 2023)

Fujiwara H

Multicellular and ECM dynamics underlying skin morphogenesis

Gordon Research Conference on Collagen, New England, USA [Link]

[Seminar] (6 July 2023)

BDR Seminar

Dr. Masaki Kinoshita (Nottingham University, UK)

Formative Pluripotency: Dissection of a pluripotency continuum

14:00–15:00, 6 July 2023

[Invited talk] (13 June 2023)

Fujiwara H

Multicellular and ECM dynamics underlying skin morphogenesis

Wellcome Centre Cell-Matrix Research, University of Manchester, UK

[Invited talk] (12 June 2023)

Fujiwara H

Multicellular and ECM dynamics underlying skin morphogenesis

Blizard Institute, Queen Mary University of London, UK

[Selected talk] (4–9 June 2023)

Wuergezhen D

Visualization and functional characterization of basement membrane dynamics in developing mouse hair follicles

Gordon Research Conference on Epithelial Differentiation and Keratinization, Barcelona, Spain [Link]

[Invited talk] (26 May 2023)

Fujiwara H

Multicellular and ECM dynamics underlying skin morphogenesis

Mechanobiology Institute (MBI), National University of Singapore, On-line

[Symposium] (14-15 May 2023)

International Symposium on Skin Stem Cell Dynamics [HP]

University of Tokyo

Hiro Fujiwara is one of the organisers

[Seminar] (11 April 2023)

BDR Seminar / Multimodal ECM Seminar

Dr. Yutaka Matsubayashi (Bournemouth University, UK)

Investigating the dynamics of the basement membrane by synergising genetics, live imaging, and mathematical modelling

14:00–15:00, 11 April 2023

[Funded] (01 April 2023)

Our research proposal has been selected for the MEXT Transformative Research Area (A). Title 'Integration of extracellular information through a multimodel ECM (Multimodal ECM)' (2023–2027). With interdisciplinary approach, we aim to understand the dynamics and multimodal signalling mechanisms of the ECM. ​[HP]

藤原が領域代表として申請していた研究提案が文部科学省の学術変革領域研究 (A)に採択されました。研究課題名「細胞外情報を統御するマルチモーダルECM(略称:マルチモダルECM)」。学際的なアプローチで、細胞外マトリックス(ECM)のダイナミクスとマルチモーダル情報伝達の仕組みに迫ります。​[HP]

[Funded] (27 January 2023)

Ritsuko Morita has been selected as a JSPS FOREST program researcher. [Link]

森田梨津子さんがJST 創発的研究支援事業(2022)に採択されました。[Link]


[Seminar] (29 November 2022)

BDR Seminar

Dr. Carlos Clavel (A*STAR Skin Research Labs, A*STAR, Singapore)

Fate of the Hair Follicle Stem Cell Niche During Growth, Pigmentation, and Ageing

16:00–16:50, 29 November 2022

[Seminar] (29 November 2022)

BDR Seminar

Dr. Oliver Dreesen (A*STAR Skin Research Labs, A*STAR, Singapore)

Determining the molecular mechanism(s) of cellular aging in the premature aging syndrome Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria

15:00–15:50, 29 November 2022

[Invited talk] (18–21 November 2022)

Fujiwara H

Keynote Speaker: Tracing the developmental origin of hair follicle stem cells

World Congress for Hair Research 2022, Melbourne, Australia [Link]

[Invited talk] (7–10 November 2022)

Fujiwara H

Tracing the developmental origin of hair follicle stem cells

3rd Franco-Japanese Developmental Biology Meeting, Strasbourg, France [Link]

[Published] (1 November 2022)

Tracing the developmental origin of tissue stem cells

Morita R and Fujiwara H (2022)

Development, Growth and Differentiation. 64, 566-576, DOI: 10.1111/dgd.12816. ​[Paper]

[Invited talk] (15–18 June 2022)

Fujiwara H

Tracing the developmental origin of hair follicle stem cells

International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) 2022, San Francisco, USA

[Invited talk] (4 June 2022)

Fujiwara H

Multicellular and basement membrane dynamics underlying skin morphogenesis

Engineering mechanics of cell and tissue morphogenesis, Kanazawa, Japan

[Award] (1 April 2022)

Hiroki Machida was awarded the JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC2).

待田大輝さんが日本学術振興会の特別研究員 (DC2) に選ばれました。

[Award] (23 March 2022)

Ritsuko Morita and Hironobu Fujiwara were awarded the RIKEN EIHO Award 2021.


[Invited talk] (15 March 2022)

Fujiwara H

Tracing the developmental origin of hair follicle stem cells

International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR): Understanding Stem Cells & Cellular Processes through Imaging, Virtual


[Seminar] (30 August 2021)

Student-organized Seminar

Prof. Mototsugu Eiraku (Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University)

Multicellular autonomy in stem cell culture.

13:30–15:00, 30 August 2021

Online (Host: Hiroki Machida)

[Invited talk] (16 July 2021)

Fujiwara H

Tracing the origin of hair follicle stem cells

European Hair Research Society Webinar Series, Virtual

[Published] (9 June 2021)
Tracing the origin of hair follicle stem cells

Morita R, Sanzen N, Sasaki H, Hayashi T, Umeda M, Yoshimura M, Yamamoto T, Shibata T, Abe T, Kiyonari H, Furuta Y, Nikaido I, Fujiwara H (2021)
Nature. Online ahead of print. [Paper]


Featured in

Nature, NEWS AND VIEWS: "A 4D road map for the formation of hair follicles". Saxena N & Rendl M [Link]

RIKEN Research Highlight: "A telescopic model of the development of hair follicles" [Link]
RIKEN and JST Press Release (Japanese): 「毛包幹細胞の起源を解明」 [Link], [Link]

テルモ生命科学振興財団 今注目の最先端研究・技術探検「毛髪をつくり出す幹細胞の発生起源を解明」 [Link]

Dive into BDR's intriguing research [Link], BDRの研究 ネホリハホリ [Link]
- Media coverage -
NHK (Japanese) [Link], 朝日新聞デジタル (Japanese) [Link], (Japanese) [Link], Science Portal (Japanese) [Link], マイナビニュース (Japanese) [Link], etc.

[Published] (10 May 2021)
Mapping the molecular and structural specialization of the skin basement membrane for inter-tissue interactions

Tsutsui K, Machida H, Nakagawa A, Ahn K, Morita R, Sekiguchi K, Miner JH, Fujiwara H (2021)
Nature Communications, 12, 2577. [Paper]


Featured in

RIKEN Research Highlight: "Basement membrane underpins tissue interactions in the skin" [Link]

RIKEN Press Release (Japanese):「異種組織を一体化する細胞外環境の特性を解明」 [Link]

- Media coverage -
日刊工業新聞 (Japanese):「異なる細胞同士接続 理研など、たんぱく質の特性解明」 [Link]


[Award] (1 June 2020)
Ritsuko Morita was awarded 13th Shiseido Female Researcher Science Grant.[Link1][Link2]

Preprint] (28 April 2020)
Mapping the molecular and structural specialization of the skin basement membrane for inter-tissue interactions

Tsutsui K, Machida H, Morita R, Nakagawa A, Sekiguchi K, Miner JH, Fujiwara H (2020)
bioRxiv. doi: [Paper]

Seminar] (12 March 2020)
Prof. Riichiro Abe (Department of Dermatology, Niigata University)
Keratinocyte death mechanism in adverse drug reaction.
10:00–11:00, 12 March 2020
DB Bldg. Seminar Room A7F (open seminar)

Published] (25 February 2020)
藤原裕展. (2020)
表皮幹細胞がニッチとして機能する. 再生医療, 19(1):13–27

Seminar] (13 February 2020)
Dr. Oliver Dreesen (A*STAR/Skin Research Institute of Singapore)
The role of heterochromatin in the accelerated aging syndrome Hutchinson-Gilford progeria [link].
16:00–17:00, 13 February 2020
DB Bldg. Seminar Room A7F (open seminar)


[Selected talk] (13–16 November 2019)
Morita R.
The origin and induction processes of hair follicle stem cells
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting: Single Cell Analysis, NY, USA [link]

[Awards] (7–8 October 2019)
Hiroki Machida was awarded a poster prize in 2019 RIKEN Summer School.

Funded] (01 October 2019)
We are now JST-CREST funded to investigate the dynamics of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions that underlies the emergence of integumentary diversity (2019–2025).
私達の研究提案がJST CREST研究(多細胞領域)に採択されました。研究課題「体表多様性を創発する上皮-間充織相互作用の動的制御機構の解明」を、二階堂愛グループ(理研BDR)、長山雅晴グループ(北海道大)とともに推進します(2019–2025)。

[Published] (01 October 2019)
筒井仰, 藤原裕展. (2019)
皮膚が触覚センサとして機能するしくみ. 自動車技術 超の世界, 100–101, 73 (10), 2019

Published] (24 September 2019)
筒井仰, 待田大輝, 藤原裕展. (2019)
細胞外マトリックスの多様性が支える毛包の異種組織間相互作用. 毛髪科学の新展開, 39–47.

Preprint] (12 September 2019)
Ahn K. and Fujiwara H.
Subpopulation identification for single-cell RNA-sequencing data using functional data analysis [link]
bioRxiv doi:

Selected talk] (7–12 July 2019)
Fujiwara H.
A new model for orchestrated hair follicle morphogenesis and stem cell induction
Gordon Research Conference on Epithelial Differentiation and Keratinization, Maine, USA [link]

Selected talk] (6–7 July 2019)
Morita R.
The origin and induction processes of hair follicle stem cells
Gordon Research Seminar on Epithelial Differentiation and Keratinization, Maine, USA [link]

Awards] (10–12 April 2019)
Ritsuko Morita was awarded a poster prize in Japan-Singapore International Skin Conference 2019. [link]

Meeting] (10–12 April 2019)
Japan-Singapore International Skin Conference 2019. [link]
Registration is now open!
Venue: Clinical Sciences Building, 11 Mandalay Road, Singapore 308232
Date: 10–12 April, 2019
Hiro Fujiwara is one of the organizers and speakers of this conference.

Invited talk] (4–5 February 2019)
Fujiwara H.
1st Crick-Beddington Developmental Biology Symposium, The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK. [link]

Invited talk] (1 February 2019)
Fujiwara H.
Department of Life Science and System Biology & Molecular Biotechnology Center, University of Turin, Italy.


[Published] (18 November 2018)
Fujiwara H, Tsutsui K, Morita R (2018)
Multi-tasking epidermal stem cells: Beyond epidermal maintenance. Development, Growth & Differentiation, 60, 531-541. [link:DGD]

Published] (25 October 2018)
Cheng CC, Tsutsui K, Taguchi T, Sanzen N, Nakagawa A, Kakiguchi K, Yonemura S, Tanegashima C, Keeley SD, Kiyonari H, Furuta Y, Tomono Y, Watt FM, Fujiwara H. (2018)
Hair follicle epidermal stem cells define a niche for tactile sensation. eLife, 2018;7:e38883. [link:eLife] [プレスリリース] [Riken Research – Research highlight]

Selected talk] (14–17 October 2018)
Tsutsui K.
ECM omics identifies signature ECMs for the sites of inter-tissue interactions in the mouse hair follicle
American Society for Matrix Biology, Las Vegas, USA
*Ko Tsutsui was awarded a travel award!

Published] (15 June 2018)
筒井仰, 藤原裕展. (2018)
感覚器としての毛・毛包. わかりやすい感覚器疾患, 76-77.

Meeting] (26–28 March 2018)
CDB Symposium 2018 "Dynamic Homeostasis: From Development to Aging" [link]
Venue: RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Kobe, Japan
Date: 26–28 March 2018
Hiro Fujiwara is one of the organizers and speakers of this symposium.

Published] (25 February 2018)
藤原裕展. (2018)
皮膚再生における幹細胞と微小環境との双方向性シグナリング. コスメティックステージ, 12(3)1-7.


[Invited talk] (30 November–1 December 2017)
Fujiwara H.
Origin and induction processes of hair follicle stem cells.
Human Cell Atlas Asia Meeting, Okinawa, Japan

Invited talk] (31 October–3 November 2017)
Fujiwara H.
Plenary Lecture: Reciprocal interactions between epidermal stem cells and their environment.
World Congress for Hair Research 2017, Kyoto, Japan

Selected talk] (16–21 July 2017)
Tsutsui K.
Mapping the ECM specific to the sites of inter-tissue interactions in the hair follicle
Gordon Research Conference on Collagen, New London, USA

Selected talk] (7–12 May 2017)
Fujiwara H.
Hair follicle epidermal stem cells define a niche for tactile sensation
Gordon Research Conference on Epithelial Differentiation & Keratinization, Lucca, Italy


[Meeting] (14–15 November 2016)
27th CDB Meeting “Body Surface Tactics: cellular crosstalk for the generation of super-biointerfaces [link]
来る2016年11月14日(月)、15日(火)に理化学研究所 多細胞システム形成研究センター(CDB)におきまして、第27回CDBミーティング 「Body surface tactics: cellular crosstalk for the generation of super-biointerfaces」を開催いたします。
We are pleased to announce that the 27th CDB Meeting "Body surface tactics: Cellular crosstalk for the generation of super-biointerfaces" will be held on November 14 (Monday) and 15 (Tuesday), 2016 at the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology in Kobe, Japan.
Hiro Fujiwara is one of the organizers and speakers of this meeting.

Selected talk] (20–24 October 2016)
Fujiwara H.
Hair follicle stem cells define a niche for tactile sensation via secretion of a specialized ECM
Montagna Symposium on the Biology of Skin, Portland, USA


[Published]  (3 November, 2015) [link]

Invited talk] (21–26 September 2015)
Fujiwara H.
Microenvironmental regulation of hair follicle morphogenesis and regeneration.
Seminar "Cell and tissue communication in organogenesis: cutting edge approaches" Foundation Des Treilles, Tourtour, France

大学生のための生命科学研究インターンシップ (2015-08-03 - 07) [link]

Invited talk] (28–29 January 2015)
Fujiwara H.
The role of extracellular matrix heterogeneity in regulating hair follicle stem cell-niche interactions.
International Symposium on neurovascular wiring, Kyoto, Japan


CDB Seminar (2014-12-11)
Title: How birds create diverse feather colors - Avian melanocyte stem cells and regulation of feather pigment patterns
Speaker: Dr. Sung-Jan Lin (National Taiwan University)
Host: Hironobu Fujiwara

大学生のための生命科学研究インターンシップ (2014-08-04 - 08) [link]
Theme of the Fujiwara lab: 毛包幹細胞の不均一性とその意義
応募締切: 2014年5月30日(金)

Published] (2014-3-31)
Donati G, Proserpio V, Lichtenberger BM, Natsuga K, Sinclair R, Fujiwara H*, Watt FM*. (2014) (*joint-corresponding authors)
Epidermal Wnt/beta-catenin signaling regulates adipocyte differentiation via secretion of adipogenic factors. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2014 (111): E1501-1509.  [link:PNAS] [CDB News] [CDBニュース]

Published]  (2014)
"Cutaneous extracellular matrix", in Tobin, D.J. (ed.), Skin Biology:, The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection, Henry Stewart Talks Ltd, London (online at


CDB Stem Cell Club was picked up by Cell Stem Cell (2013) [link]
International Stem Cell Networks: The Power of Contacts
Cell Stem Cell (2013) 13, 644-647
CDB Stem Cell Club [link]

Published] 幹細胞研究と再生医療  中内啓光 編 (book chapter) 2013 [link]

Published] 細胞工学 32 (10), 2013

CDB Lecture Program for Graduate Students (CDB連携大学院集中レクチャープログラム) (2013-08-28 - 29)
Hironobu Fujiwara will be talking
Where: CDB Auditorium C1F

CDB internship for summer students (大学生のための生命科学研究インターンシップ) (2013-08-05 - 09)
Theme: 毛包幹細胞とそのニッチの可視化
Host: Fujiwara lab (藤原研究室)

CDB Seminar (2013-07-08)
Title: "Organs, Not Cells" - A vision for the future
Speaker: Prof. Hiromitsu Nakauchi (University of Tokyo)
Host: Hironobu Fujiwara
When: 2013-7-8, 16:00-
Where: CDB Auditorium C1F

Invited talk] (8 June 2013)
Fujiwara H.
Exploring the design principles of skin architecture.
Taiwanese Society for Investigative Dermatology, Symposium on Stem Cell, Development and Regeneration, Taipei, Taiwan (8 June 2013)

The CDB Stem Cell Club was launched (2013-03-02)


©2021 by FujiwaraLab

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